Japanese Culture Division

Japanese Culture Division
The Japan Education Center has a library of books and various Japanese cultural items, such as kimonos, tea utensils, and seasonal decorations. They can be borrowed for free to introduce Japanese culture at schools, community events, and other gatherings.
The center also offers workshops on Japanese culture, including origami and calligraphy. Do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information.
For example, available Items are;
- Kimono (for ladies, girls, and boys)
- Happi coats
- Ikebana tools (Japanese flower arrangement)
- Tea ceremony utensils
- Seasonal decorations
- Traditional toys and games
- Ornaments
- Books and videos
If you wish to borrow any of these items, please contact us at least one week in advance. Some items, such as kimonos and kamishibai (Japanese-style storytelling boards), are in high demand during certain times of the year, so early reservation is recommended.